Thursday, May 28, 2009


JUNE 3rd, 2009
North Bowl Lanes

We will be working on sign up lists for the different committee's, finalizing all donations, and getting all our wonderful thoughts together for the big day.I appreciate your continued support Please bring all donations that you may have collected


Thursday, May 21, 2009

2nd Meeting went very well......


We officially have had 4 donations and 150 hits in 2 days on this web page......So exciting.

I plan to use this web page to list all the individuals who donated money as well as business's and individuals who donated to the silent auction.

Last nights meeting was wonderful, I am so appreciative to everyone who came.

We are coming up with wonderful ideas, donations are coming in for the Silent Auction, and the Tristate Chapter for the foundation has been extremely helpful.

We will be having a bake sale at the walk if anyone wanted to contribute their wonderful baking skills (not me) you can bring a baked good the day of the walk for the table. I have two volunteers to run that at this point in time.

There will also be Michigan's, chips, and soda for sale.

Water will be free and we will have a few volunteer's along with walk/run handing out bottles of water to individuals who need it.

The 3 mile runners will receive numbers to wear in order to identify them. The first man, woman, and child to finish the 3 mile run will receive a prize.

I have received about 130 RSVP's through Facebook of people who are attending. My goal was to have 50 people at our walk for the first year, can you imagine if we get 100, 200, or even maybe 300. I would be elated and I know my husband would be so happy.

I will be updating as things come up. I hope to continue this blog to keep everyone posted on the local walk and the numbers that all walks from the Tristate Chapter bring in.........

Thank you........

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


JUNE 14th, 2009
9:00am Registration
10:00am Walk/Run

Beekmantown Town Hall, Spellman Rd Plattsburgh
Entertainment, Music, Food, Raffles, and fun for the kids......

The $20 registration fee goes towards your total donations. Everyone that register's whether they can afford the registration fee or not gets a free bag and t-shirt. If you have $250 in donations you get two stainless steel travel mugs. Early registration is not an option this year for our participants, but do not worry about the fee if you cannot afford it come and give what you can even if it is your presence. People under the age of 18 do not have to pay the $20 registration fee, but can bring their donations. They still receive a bag and a t-shirt. The event is not only to raise money for research, but also to raise awareness of the disease.
The walk/run will be 1,2, or 3 miles, which every you choose to do. If you cannot walk/run you can sit back and enjoy the music being played by Shameless Strangers and the AppleJack Country. I am also pretty sure their may be a few songs done by Randy's Brother, Father, and Grandfather. I have yet to see them be in a place where there are guitars and microphones and not get up and play a few tunes.....

Thank you for all the support